I had already paid for my other purchases but having just recently read about Hannah, I stopped to pick up the book, curious. It was the lone copy. I read the tag line: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Loss.
I started crying and bought the book.
I felt like God had placed that book right in my path, at that time, on that day for me to pick up and read. He knew what I needed before I did. I never dreamed going into that bookstore that I would leave with a book on infertility and God's provision during it.
The book helped me so much during the height of my infertility years. I've been sharing it with others ever since.
GracefulWait Ministry will be starting a new book discussion of Hannah's Hope this month. I'm very excited to once again dig into this book and be reminded of what God has to say to us through the story of Hannah. If you or anyone you know is struggling with infertility, miscarriage, infant loss or a failed adoption attempt I recommend it.
Jennifer Saake discusses many of the emotions, sins, questions and issues we face as women trying to grow our families in the midst of infertility and loss. Chapters include discussions on Envy, Jealousy, Bitterness, Anger, Fertility Treatments, Marital Strains, Faith, Waiting and Worshiping among others. Also included at the end of each chapter are relevant scriptures and a section directed to the support givers for those with infertility, offering practical advise for helping loved ones through various emotional struggles and real world situations which can trigger pain and sadness.
You can read more reviews, a sample from the book and purchase your own copy from Amazon here.
If you are in the Columbia, Missouri area and would like to join GracefulWait for this book discussion, please contact Kelly.
This book really helped me, too. I was given a complimentary copy through a blogging for books program at the time my best friends' twins died at 22 weeks from early labor/incompetent cervix. Her loss ripped open my wounds from miscarriage two years prior. I felt comfort having the book on my nightstand, but did not read it until 2012 when I was having another miscarriage. I read the whole thing the night before my child was born, and I named him Samuel. I have been able to share this book with friends and it has been a great ministry tool for bereaved parents.